Food Science and Nutrition – What You Eat Is as Important As Who You Eat

It’s been said that for every one person who eats a balanced diet, nine out of ten people suffer from some form of food-related ailment. A common problem is obesity, which is associated with the consumption of large quantities of food that provides very little in the way of nutritional benefit. One of the biggest areas of concern is the development of cardiovascular disease. The primary problem is that too much fat in the bloodstream causes blood pressure and heart rate to rise, causing a number of health problems. Another issue is that excess weight tends to increase the risk of developing diabetes.

Nutrition is any material consumed to give an organism nutritional support. Generally speaking, food is generally of plant, animal, or fungi origin, and has essential nutrients, like carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, or fiber. Plants and animals differ in regards to nutritional value, and it is important to note that there are five major food groups. They are cereal grains, fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy products, beans, and nuts. These food groups are usually represented by pictographs that can be used in food systems to represent the food type.

Nutrition is a very broad area of study that has many sub-fields and areas of focus. For example, researchers now know that complex carbohydrates provide most of the calories we consume. Carbohydrates come in several different forms including glucose, glycogen, protein, fat, and short chain fatty acids (SCFAs). In recent years, scientists have been studying the effects of carbohydrates on health and how to best provide them. It is believed that carbohydrates may play a major role in causing obesity, type II diabetes, heart disease, and other diseases. This is why, at least in this country, dietary guidelines recommend that most people get their daily amount of carbohydrates from vegetables and other fruits and grains.