Wordlwide Vs WordPress – How Open Source Blogging Affects Both Sites
The most important difference between a Wordlwide and a WordPress blog is the style of the blog – Wordlwide blogs have a more professional, “professional” appearance to them, whereas WordPress blogs are more relaxed and informal. Wordlwide blogs are generally used as portals to provide instant access to content from other sites (such as other WordPress blogs or free WordPress themes), while WordPress blogs are used for publishing articles that require formatting. For example, if you are writing an article about building a shed, and you want it formatted correctly, you can simply copy paste your article onto a WordPress blog, make some changes in color, size and other such details, and publish your article through your WordPress site. If you publish an article on a Wordlwide site, however, it will take quite a long time before it appears on your own site.
However, Wordlwide blogs offer another great benefit as well. You can use Wordlwide to publish all manner of Word documents and other documents with formatting options. For example, I often write blog posts or class notes online using WordPress, so why not publish those same types of documents on World Wide Webpages? It is so simple; all you need to do is put the file name of your document into the “Open” tab on the “Words Options” dialog box. Click the “aunder” option to upload your document without formatting your Word document.
Wordlwide Webpages are ideal for publishing material that is not in PDF format, such as images, video clips or audio files. Even though Wordlwide Webpages does not allow for formatting options in this way, it is still possible to add fonts, borders and other elements to your pages through the use of external programs. One common program that I use to format my Word pages is Adobe’s free Impact! Fonts.